Statement of Service

Armstrong Ranch EIR, City of Santa Ana

Raju Associates was involved in the preparation of a traffic study for an EIR for the Armstrong Ranch Project, a single-family housing and Church mixed-use development in the City of Santa Ana, California. Raju Associates was involved in all aspects of the study including development of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) detailing the scope, assumptions and parameters to be used in the study. Raju Associates was also involved with the preparation of traffic impact analysis, identification of mitigation measures, preparation of feasible mitigation drawings, study documentation, preparation of responses to NOP and all comments received as part of the CEQA process, participation in public scoping and workshops, public hearings, assistance with drafting of the conditions of approval, and participation in Planning Commission and City Council Hearings.

Raju Associates worked closely with the City staff, neighboring jurisdictions’ staff and representatives of the project applicant throughout the course of this study resulting in successful completion of the project including approval and certification of the final EIR.

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